Beach Apartment Terms

Apartment Rental Booking Terms and Conditions

In these terms:
We’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ means St Annes Beach Huts Limited; and
You’ or ‘your’ means the person or legal entity making the booking with us

1. Bookings
1.1. You agree to be legally bound by these terms when you make a booking with us. You must ensure that you and all members of your party comply with these terms during your stay.

1.2. A contract between you and us comes into effect when we accept a reservation from you.

1.3. In order to make a booking with us you must be over 18 years of age.

1.4. We will accept your reservation once we have confirmed availability and received payment of the Required Deposit from you. We will then send you a booking confirmation email.

2. Prices
2.1. Prices can be viewed on our live booking system and are confirmed to you at the point of booking. Prices may fluctuate from time to time due to seasonality and demand.

2.3. All prices include VAT where applicable at the current rate and are payable in pounds sterling (£) (GBP).

2.4. We accept payment by credit or debit card or bank transfer, or any other payment method agreed between us from time to time.

3. Booking Deposit
3.1. In order to secure a booking with us you must pay the required Booking Deposit.

3.2. Your Card will be charged the full amount by St Annes Beach Huts Limited

3.3. Unless otherwise specified or agreed with us, the Required Deposit shall be an amount equal to 100% of the total booking price.

3.4. Booking Deposits are non-transferable.

4. Refunds & Cancellation
4.1. After you receive your booking confirmation email you will not have an automatic legal right to cancel this contract as the services provided under it are accommodation and leisure services for which these terms provide a specific period of performance. You may, however, be entitled to cancel your booking as set out below.

4.2. The Cancellation Deadline is the date exactly 12 weeks (84 days) prior to your booking commencement date.

4.3. Cancellations will only be accepted in writing via email, to the email address from which your booking confirmation email was sent.

4.4. If you cancel your booking on or before the Cancellation Deadline your Booking Deposit will be retained by us. Any remaining monies paid by you to us prior to the Cancellation Deadline, in addition to the Booking Deposit, will be refunded to you.

4.5. If you cancel your booking after the Cancellation Deadline you will be liable to pay a percentage of the total cost of your booking as set out below. It is your responsibility to take out the appropriate travel insurance, to cover you in the event that you are unable to visit us.

0% Cancellation Charge within 84 days or more of arrival (12 weeks plus) – 100% Refund of Booking Deposit
50% Cancellation Charge within 43-84 days of arrival (12 weeks) – 50% Refund of Booking Deposit
75% Cancellation Charge within 29-42 days of arrival (6 weeks) – 25% Refund of Booking Deposit
100% Cancellation Charge within 0-28 days of arrival (4 weeks) – No Refund due

4.6. If you need to cancel your booking, you should contact us immediately. Cancellations will only be accepted in writing via email, from the address which your booking confirmation email was sent. A cancellation charge, (as detailed above), will be levied according to the number of days prior to the start date of your booking the cancellation is received.

4.7. If for any reason beyond our control, including, but not limited to COVID-19, floods, fire and criminal damage, we are forced to cancel your booking, we will notify you as soon as possible and your booking can be transferred or cancelled at no charge.

5. Damages
5.1. We do not request a cautionary deposit from you at the point of booking. Instead, we operate on the understanding that you will respect and take care of our accommodation. However, you will be liable to cover any costs or losses which we suffer as a result of your conduct or the conduct of any member of your party which results in:

5.1.1. additional cleaning requirements over and above the usual cleaning that we conduct between guests, including any speciality cleaning of linen, carpets or soft furnishing for the removal of marks or stains;

5.1.2. damage to the accommodation and its contents, fixtures or fittings;

5.1.3. damage to any communal areas and facilities;

5.1.4. us returning items that you or a member of your party leave at the property and wish to have returned; or

5.1.5. us replacing any items that may have been removed from the property.

5.2. We will contact you to inform you if any of the circumstances set out in clauses 5.1 to 5.1.5 arise and will provide details along with a breakdown of costs (“Repair Costs”) supported by photographic evidence. We can provide receipts or quotes for repair work if requested.

5.3. We will raise an invoice in respect of any repair costs that we incur and send this to you within 14 days of the checkout date of your stay. Repair costs will include the price of materials purchased and third-party labour costs to repair damage caused by you or a member of your party. If our staff are able to rectify the damage, our staff labour costs for undertaking repairs or cleaning the property will be charged to you at £25 per hour (including VAT) but reserve the right to instruct third parties to provide such services, in which case we will be subject to their fees.

5.4. you shall pay the invoice in full without deduction or set-off, in cleared funds within 14 (fourteen) days of the date of any invoice to the bank account nominated by us and using a payment method approved by us. You shall pay any applicable VAT to us on receipt of a valid VAT invoice for third party labour costs and any materials.

6. Arrival and Departure
6.1. Check-in is available from 15:00 and the check-out time for all properties is 10:00. We reserve the right to charge reasonable additional fees in the event that you have not left the beach apartment by the agreed departure time.

6.2. If you arrive late, or depart early, this is at your sole discretion and you will not be provided with a refund of any fees paid to us.

6.3. Your beach apartment will not be available at any time outside of the times confirmed to you in your booking confirmation and you agree not to arrive at or leave the premises outside of these times.

7. Beach Apartment rules and information
7.1. Capacity. You will be notified of the maximum capacity of your beach apartment at the point of booking. The number of guests in your group must not exceed this maximum capacity for any reason.

7.2. Commercial usage. You shall not use the beach apartment for any commercial purpose unless it has been agreed with us in writing in advance. We reserve the right to evict guests, without notice or refund, for a breach of this condition.

7.3. Amenities. Each beach apartment is stocked with a range of basic kitchen cleaning items including bin bags, washing up liquid, soap and cloths. This is in addition to fresh towels and bed linen. You are responsible for ensuring that young children within your party do not access any cleaning products because ingesting or otherwise handling these may cause them harm or injury.

7.4. Bedding. Clean bed linen will be provided at start of your stay. We do not include a change of bed linen during your stay except where the duration of the rental is for two full weeks in which case a weekly change of bed linen will be provided. We expect you to use the washing machine and drier available if you require any clean towels during your stay, but do not expect you to wash towels and linen before you check out. Should you require a fresh set of towels then these can be provided at an extra cost to you on a per person basis.

7.5. Rubbish and recycling. You are required to seprate waste for recycling in accordance with the instructions provided by us.

7.6. Welcome packs. We provide welcome packs on arrival which contain food and drink. If you have any allergies or intolerances, please notify us of these prior to your arrival.

7.7. Cleaning. All properties are cleaned between guests, but no additional cleaning is included during your stay. If you require additional cleaning services these can be booked in advance with pre-payment or subject to availability, can also be booked and paid for during your stay.

7.8. Responsibility for the beach apartment. During your stay you are responsible for the condition of the apartment and the furniture and fittings. We reserve the right to deduct an additional cleaning fee for properties that are not left in a reasonable state of cleanliness.

7.9. No smoking. All units are non-smoking and you shall not use vaping equipment or e-cigarettes within our apartment buildings. We reserve the right to deduct an additional cleaning charge where necessary if you fail to comply with this condition.

7.10. No fires, candles or fireworks. The use of candles and fireworks is strictly prohibited at or in any property or shared facilities.

7.11. Noise and disturbance. You must not cause disturbance or nuisance to other guests or local residents. South Promenade is a residential neighbourhood and we therefore request that all guests are respectful by keeping noise to a minimum, particularly if using the outside areas in the evening or at night. We reserve the right to evict guests, without notice or refund, if they repeatedly cause noise and disturbance.

7.12. Maintenance work. We are open all year round and are required to regularly maintain our facilities. We will always endeavour to keep noise and inconvenience to a minimum. If we are carrying out maintenance work during your stay this does not constitute a reason for cancellation and our standard cancellation terms will apply.

7.13. Car parking. Free on-site car parking at the Beach Apartments at 119 – 123 South Promenade, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire FY8 1NP. All cars are parked at the owners’ risk.

7.14. Bunk Beds. Many apartments are fitted with bunk beds, either in bedrooms or living rooms, which are accessed by a ladder. Misuse of the bunk beds can pose risk of serious injury. We ask that you take particular care when accessing and using the top bunk bed and never leave small children unsupervised. We cannot be held liable for any misuse of the bunk beds by you or other guests within your party.

7.15. Children. Children and babies are welcome to stay in our properties, however they must be supervised at all times. Cots are available free of charge but are subject to availability and must be requested at the time of booking. One child up to the age of 15 can sleep on each bunk bed. All top bunk beds are only accessible by a ladder, they may not be suitable for younger children. You are responsible for ensuring that any children using the top bunk do so safely.

8. Dogs
8.1. A well behaved and house-trained dog is welcome in specific properties (currently only 11 Sandbanks Apartment). When booking please inform us you will be bringing a dog with you via the special request box on the booking form.

8.2. We only allow a maximum of one dog and there is no extra cost.

8.3. Your dog must not be left unattended in an apartment at any time and you must ensure that your dog does not cause any nuisance to other guests.

8.4. We rely on you to keep your dog under strict control at all times. Please do not allow your pet onto the furniture, in bedrooms or on beds. Upon your departure, you must ensure that the property is left in a reasonable and clean condition and at all times during your stay must ensure that no waste is left in the grounds or communal facilities.

8.5. You will be invoiced for any damage caused by your pet, including additional cleaning requirements that we reasonably consider are in excess of the usual cleaning requirements at the end of a guest’s stay.

8.6. We do not allow any other pets to stay in our properties.

9. Health and Safety
9.1. For your safety, it is important that you read and adhere to the important information provided. This includes the information provided in your guest book, on our website, emails we send you, as well as any signage and notices on our premises such as fire safety notices and evacuation procedures.

9.2 We understand the duty of care that we owe to our customers and ensure that the premises are safe for the purpose for which customers are invited to use them, however, each customer is responsible for taking care when using the facilities provided and for his or her own safety.

10. Property Access
10.1. We are committed to respecting your privacy during your stay, however you must allow us access to the apartment at all reasonable times, or as otherwise required in the case of an emergency, with or without you present, in order to carry out maintenance and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. We will always try to contact you before accessing the apartment and will avoid interrupting your stay wherever reasonably possible.

11. Contacting Us
11.1. We do not have a reception area however members of the team will be available on site during ordinary business hours and contact numbers can be found in your access email.

11.2. Emergency support for apartment guests is available between the hours of 10am and 10pm daily. The emergency support telephone number is supplied in your access email. Please only contact this number in an emergency, for example:

11.2.1. you are without any heating;

11.2.2. you are without any power;

11.2.3. you are without any water or there has been a serious water leak in your property; or

11.2.4. you have been locked out.

12. End of the contract
12.1. If the contract between us is ended it will not affect our right to receive any money which you owe to us under the contract.

13. Your privacy and personal information
13.1. Our Privacy Policy is available at

13.2. Your privacy and personal information are important to us. Any personal information that you provide to us will be dealt with in line with our Privacy Policy, which explains what personal information we collect from you, how and why we collect, store, use and share such information, your rights in relation to your personal information and how to contact us and supervisory authorities if you have a query or complaint about the use of your personal information.

14. Limit on our responsibility to you
14.1. You are responsible for any damage or loss caused to us, including any damage to our properties, communal areas and facilities, by your act, omission, default or neglect and you agree to cover the reasonable costs of repairing or remedying any such damage or loss.

14.2. Further, we reserve the right to terminate your booking immediately without being liable for any refund or compensation where you engage in unacceptable behaviour that causes a disturbance or nuisance to other guests or local residents.

14.3. Except for any legal responsibility that we cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury caused by our negligence) or arising under applicable laws relating to the protection of your personal information, if you are a consumer we are not legally responsible for any:

14.3.1. damage to, or loss of, your personal property and belongings except where the damage or loss is caused by our negligence;

14.3.2. injury or death suffered as a result of misuse of our properties, facilities or amenities;

14.3.3. losses that: were not foreseeable to you and us when the contract was formed; or that were not caused by any breach on our part;

14.3.4. business losses; and

14.3.5. losses to non-consumers.

14.4. Except for any legal responsibility that we cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury), if you are a commercial customer we are not responsible for any:

14.4.1. damage to, or loss of, your personal property and belongings except where the damage or loss is caused by our negligence;

14.4.2. loss of profits or anticipated savings;

14.4.3. loss of revenue;

14.4.4. loss or damage to reputation or goodwill;

14.4.5. loss of opportunity or contract;
and in each case whether direct, indirect, special and/or consequential loss or damage; or

14.4.6. for any other indirect, special and/or consequential loss or damage,
and in all other cases our liability arising under or in connection with this contract shall not exceed the fees paid to us by you under this contract.

15. Force Majeure
15.1. If there is an event outside of our control which prevents us from fulfilling your booking for a particular beach apartment we will, where possible, move you to an available alternative property.

15.2. If there is an event outside of our control which prevents us from fulfilling your booking, if you are happy for us to do so we will try to reschedule your booking for an alternative date. This is subject to availability and you may be required to pay additional costs if the new date you choose is charged at a higher rate. If it is not possible to reschedule your booking, or you do not want to reschedule it, we will provide you with a full refund.

16. Disputes
16.1. Whereas we have done our utmost to foresee any potential problems, we realise that, occasionally, guests may feel the need to bring various matters to our attention. We ask that you contact us immediately if you experience any problem, however small, during your stay, as we are unable to rectify any complaints submitted after your departure. We will try to resolve any disputes with you quickly and efficiently.

16.2. If you are unhappy with any part of your stay, please contact us as soon as possible giving us full details of your complaint.

16.3. If you and we cannot resolve a dispute using our internal complaint handling procedure, we will:

16.3.1. let you know that we cannot settle the dispute with you, and

16.3.2. give you certain information required by law about our alternative dispute resolution provider.

16.4. If you are a consumer and want to take court proceedings, the courts of the part of the United Kingdom in which you live will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in relation to these terms and if you are a commercial customer the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction.

16.5. The laws of England and Wales will apply to these terms.

These terms were last updated March 2022

Lots more Apartment Guest Information, click here for details